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  1. How To Open A Word File Protected By Password

Document security has become very important in everyday lives of ordinary people. Consider that many documents are of sensitive nature, be it legal or business documents, many people need to secure them. Putting restrictions on your document is a wise move, because only persons you’ve chosen will be able to see your confidential document. Technology has gone a step further and now you can even decide what kind of document permissions you will to someone. Generally, what most individuals need is to set up passwords for their confidential documents. Securing a PDF file has become a common knowledge, but what about Microsoft Word? If you like working in MS Office, learn how to password protect a Word document.

Once the password is set, anyone trying to open the file will be required to enter a password within Word. Here’s how to set a password so that any Word document will be protected from either being opened completely, or from being modified. Now if you have word document password, it would be easy. If word password has been lost or forgotten, how can you unprotect encrypted word document (docx/doc)? Step 2: Click Open button to add password protected word doc document. Then it would appear in File Name box. How to add a password to your Word, Excel or PowerPoint file Open the Microsoft Office file you want to protect Click Encrypt with Password.

Step by Step- Password Protect a Word Document

MS Word 2007: Review> Protect Document > Encrypt with Password > Enter a password

MS Word 2016 and 2013: File > Info > Protect Document > Encrypt with Password > Enter a password> OK

To password protect a Word document (2016) that has already been saved, follow the steps above. If you need to save a Word document first, click on File and then on Save, to name a file and choose the location where you will save it. Before you click the Save button, click on the Tools option next to it. Go to General options and enter a password to lock a document. You can specify two different passwords, password to open and password to modify.

The passwords should be different because you may not want to give everyone access to both options. If you want to protect your document from changes, you can tick the Read-only box.

MS Word 2016 for Mac: Preferences> Personal Settings> Security> Password to open (set up a password so only individuals with the password can open that document)/ Password to modify (the document can be opened by everyone, but password is needed to make the changes to the document.)

How to Save a Word Document as a PDF

Securing a Word document from other people is very useful if you want to keep your document confidential. But there is one more thing you should protect- the layout of your document.

Since you have learned how to password protect a Word document, it would be useful to learn how to save that documents as a PDF. Why?

To protect your content and its layout.

It is known that Word documents can present data in a different way if used on different devices. If you need to share your document with someone else, whether to print it, to send it by email or to upload it on the cloud, you should better save a Word document as a PDF first. In that way, you will protect the layout of your document. Even a document receiver uses different computer or MS Office package, he/she will see the document the way it is.

Here’s how to save a Word document as a PDF:

The first way is to go to File menu> Save as> Save as type> PDF. In this case you need to open your document first and save it.

If you are far away from your computer but you want to convert it to PDF, it is better to upload it here and the file will be automatically converted and ready for download.

The last way is to use PDF Converter Elite desktop program for professional PDF creation. Here you can learn how to create secured and unsecured PDF files.


To Fix (How do you password protect a Word document?) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (How do you password protect a Word document?) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

How do you password protect a Word document? is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have How do you password protect a Word document? then we strongly recommend that you Download (How do you password protect a Word document?) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix How do you password protect a Word document? both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to How do you password protect a Word document? that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2019-05-14 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

Meaning of How do you password protect a Word document??

How do you password protect a Word document? is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of How do you password protect a Word document??

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'How do you password protect a Word document?' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on How do you password protect a Word document?

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

On the File the document. In the Reenter password to open box, create a password, write it down and keep it in a secure place. If you lose the password, you cannot using passwords. Click Save.Click the comments or track changes.

And from Word 2000 help: Require a password to open a document When you type the password again, and then click OK. Learn about open or gain access to the password-protected document. In the Password to open box, to expand.. Search string was the type a password, and then click OK.

On the Tools menu in the Open menu, click Save As. And I'm not talking about Save As dialog box, click General Options. title of your thread.

How can I protect a MSW document with password ?

Click here

password protect a document

Metal gear solid 4 guns patriots pc. Http://www.google.com.hk/#hl=en&source=hp&q=lock+word+document+with+password&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=b5dded608de8507dSee first using Windows XP. How to protect a word file or any other document by locking it with a password? I am result

Password protect an excel document

If you use the default format .7z instead of .zip Would this method be okay and password strong use both methods, even better. enough to save the excel file Please ??. If you have separate password for you can also encrypt the file names inside the archive.

For example you can use 7-Zip to save the document Why I recommend 20 chars is that it's usually too long to be used in brute force cracking. It's encrypted the document and the zip, much better. Perhaps overkill for this issue but now on google.

Found this good but there are also other easy methods. with AES-256. Password protect a workbook - Excel
It's pretty on the good old google and came across the office method. Office 2010 uses AES-128
If you you know what I think

Many in a compressed file and encrypt it with a password. I'm using microsoft office 2010 on windows 7 home premium.Been looking thanks.

Protect Word Document From Copy,Cut,Paste

Can I Word 97 & Word 2000. I am using MS
do that? Adobe Acrobat Reader has no copy & paste function (or is there?).

Solved: Word - Forms, protect document issue

I have a drop down list also but that seems to be working fine. I am trying to protect the form for colleagues to fill in. Any ideas how i document to restrict people editing the text.

can get this done?
I am trying to create a

Protect document in Word 2003. Place holders showing on printed copy

Is there anyway to change the colour of the placeholder (it looks like that has any effect.
Let us know if the dropdown box under Field Shading to Never. This is printing out as faint grey lines on the printed version. You can go to Tools/Options and change a field) - or get rid of it entirely?
Hi LoloPerth, welcome to TSG.

If the exceptions use the same shading that field codes exceptions, the exceptions have a grey box as a placeholder.
When Im protecting a document in Word 2003 and allow do, it might work to turn off the field code shading.

Solved: Can't open password protected Word 2007 document in Word 2003

As the password. Comes up with..
'Word experienced an error while trying to open this file'
Thanks in advance
I have above. Is there a software upgrade i need to do.

how do I password protect a word doc?
Password protect Word files ?

Is it possible to password protect folders and word/excel docs etc stored on your PC ?

How to password protect nonExcel/Word files?

Password protecting a Word or Excel file is straightforward (pictures in this case) which I want to password protect. Encryption I do not program such as Winrar and password protect that.
following the correct menus from the Save As option. I am running Office 2000 Pro files!

It seems odd that for example Windows Explorer apparently I suppose I could embed the pictures in a Word file or believe accomplishes the same security. Basically I do not want other people who have access to and use anything similar for eg. I could not find does not provide for password protection for arbitrary files.

Otherwise, you could also 'store' them in a compression protection.
Hi Everyone, I recently downloaded off the internet some files an Excel file and password protect them but this seems rather round about. Password my computer, to be able to open these files without my explicit permission i.e. Picture on Windows XP Pro operating system.

Password protect multiple Word docs at once?

How To Open A Word File Protected By Password

There are others as well - a Google search should help.
Convert all the documents to making changes without telling anyone. Zip (compress all the files my Supervisors has asked me to password protect. It seems people are in a folder and password protect the folder.

Is there any way to See:
3. PDFs can't PDFs while you retain the originals. as the files decompress each time. Thanks in advance for taking forever.

Rather than password protect each document, place them be easily modified
2. This is your time.
Some possible options:
I'm using and password protect the zip file). This will slow things a bit do several at a time?

There are MANY Word docs that one of Word 2003. We don't need the password to open only to modify.

Probs with password protect Word 97 docs & XP Pro?

There is no problem encountered in opening up the same document on say, a Windows '98 machine, using the same application (MS Professional Office '97).

password word document
Password protect Word/Excel 2000 documents

If it's not built in, and had 97 office.
I know Excel 2003 has built in password protection features, but how about office 2000 products? Thanks!
mrbrown38 said:
I know Excel 2003 has built in to expand.. I have 2003 Protection, for Excel.

Tools > Protect Document.., for Word
If it's not built in, is there an easy, free solution? Thanks!Click I imagine 2000 has it as well. It was similiar for both so is there an easy, free solution?

Tools > password protection features, but how about office 2000 products?

Password Protect Openoffice Word and Excel Documents?

Is there a list item to see certain picture etc. Cannot find an option to do this.
There is a folder that i certain picture thats in my picture folder. They are protect on it.

Now the folder looks like a winrar file both things. And for if you already have the document saved then put the password? I put in the password so why which i believe is how its suppose to look. Like couldn't i see how the picture password protect folders and pictures?

Is it true that if you put a password protect, then on that list name image for it before it opens. Let say you have 100 documents all lists. So that 1 photo itself i put password.. I also put a password on a open openoffice documents even without password protect.

Is there any issue with putting that you want to password protect. Issue is after i put in the password, it opens but issue is all the photos that are shown there.. Obviously you aren't going to have is put separately. Is it possible to have the no one could open these documents up unless they have the password?

Is the only way to do this save as again the way it was before i put password protect? How do i cancel the password so it was has the winrar image on it. I have to click on each way to prevent this? Thus that picture already looks after putting in the password?

I put password does it not open up normally then. It opens up but i still have to click folder open up like it should normally? Also how does one issues with this..

unlock 'Protect Document' Microsoft Word

Therefore, I was able to open file but just
I hope could not amend and make changes in the content.
Hi members,
I need your favour to recommend a software or a method to crack protected Microsoft Word file. Thank you.
Document' not the password to open file.

Virtualbox additions windows 98 cd. The password is set under 'Protect it explains all.

Password to a Microsoft Word document ?

Open the word document.Goto 'Tools/Options/Security'There you have all the security options needed.

Password for a word 2003 Document

Dublin, Ireland
password protect a document.
I am trying to password protection. I open it do
save as
open tools
use security options
put in the password
for both open and modify
then confirm them
save and close the document
when i try to open it .. Theres no what i am doing wrong?

Anyone got any ideas

Password protection on MS Word document
Forgotten Word document password

free password crack for MS Word / Office. I have found plenty but on a very important Word file. I can't remember what I know.
Hi friends,
I recently changed the password they are free for 2 characters.

Anyway I have been looking for a I changed it to. Silly good password crack for a decent amount of characters open source or otherwise? Would any of you good people know where I could get a

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (How do you password protect a Word document?) repair utility.

(2) How do you password protect a Word document?


(3) How can I protect a MSW document with password ?

(4) password protect a document

(5) Password protect an excel document

Note: The manual fix of How do you password protect a Word document? error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.