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Hold the pipe halfway down the stem. Apply heat to the bowl. Keep the heat source moving around until smoke fills the pipe (so the bowl won't crack).

  1. How to smoke crack like a pro. If you're going to smoke something named after a part of your ass. This will become your crack pipe.
  2. Oh and I important thing, when your smoking resin crack lighter style, using a glass pipe that bitch will get hot as hell so be careful. Another tip: Dont just put the flame on the bowl side, torch the carb too even the mouthpiece side once you burn the resin from one area, move to the next.
Posted by*I've got 99 problems, and drug court is all of them*2 years ago

How to obtain crackpipe resin? WITH PROLOGUE (x-post: /r/Cocaine)

Met a dude on the bus about a week ago after he overheard my conversation on the phone. I think it's extremely obnoxious to talk about any kinds of drug transactions (even weed) in any space where people who might be bothered by it might hear you. I'm sure the passengers of my packed yet silent bus loved hearing me saying how many bags of heroin I wanted to buy, and naming all kinds of different prices since this guy wanted my business . I mean, obviously your texts are being monitored when you're a homeless panhandler .. in which case talking on the phone is way less incriminating . Almost everyone I've met who does this is just a middleman (and those that act like a douche on the phone and try to bully me, acting like they're doing me a favor, I spitefully save as a drug contact .. this guy's name went from 'DJ Bob' to 'DJ HeroinDealer').


ANYWAY, dude on the bus is super chill, and he ends up mentioning 'yeah I'm on my way to score too .. I just can't seem to stay on the subs :( ). I'd been trying to find Subutex forever to detox and we quickly swapped numbers. I met up with him today to pick up two, and gave him 3, 4mg pressed bars. They were outrageously expensive (I only buy pressies when I'm desperate, anyway .. I'd rather buy a football or a kpin from someone I know with a legit script than risk getting a research chemical or simply not knowing how strong the pill will be), so he was supposed to give me 2, 8mg Subutex and $10 for the bars. Idk if he was playing games, but he thought I meant that I'd be giving him the $10. To offset the cost, he gave me a dime of crack and a used crack pipe.


As you can imagine, the crack is long gone lol, but there's plenty of resin. I read that there is a chemical you can use to clean it out and once it evaporates, you can smoke what is left over. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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22 Feb What Do You Smoke Out of a Glass Pipe?

Posted at 00:01hin Thought Provoking23 Comments
How to smoke resin from scraped bowls

“What kind of drugs get smoked out of glass pipe?” I hear this question asked by parents a lot – especially early on, when they are first beginning to suspect that their child’s using is more than just casual experimentation.

Often, when confronted with such paraphernalia, a child will respond with statements like “I just tried weed once,” or “I’m holding it for a friend, it’s not a big deal.” Unfortunately, the truth can oftentimes be a lot more grim – glass pipes, while used for smoking cannabis, are also commonly used to smoke crystalmethamphetamine, crack cocaine, pcp, opium and other drugs like DMT, a powerful psychedelic that puts the user into a psychotic out of body state.

How to Recognize Meth Use

If the glass pipe has a bulb on one end, it was most likely used to smoke meth out of.

One of the first big warning signs that something other than recreational marijuana smoking is going on is the smell. Crystal meth, sometimes referred to as “ice” or “shards”, puts out a much thicker cloud of smoke than marijuana. While the smell doesn’t linger as powerfully as burnt cannabis, it has a distinct chemical odor that can smell stale. Regardless of whether or not there is a distinct smell left behind, if the glass pipe has a bulb on one end, it was most likely used to smoke meth out of. A meth pipe or any other glass pipe used to smoke it with will often have yellow or burnt streaks around the glass. Crack cocaine has a very distinct smell, like a mix between burning plastic and urine! Crack pipes are also distinct in their shape – they are long, straight glass tubes that are sold as “oil burners” (a common explanation for meth pipes as well). The other types of drugs that can be smoked out of glass pipes are often used in standard cannabis pipes and bongs.

How To Smoke Resin Cannabis

Drug Smoking Paraphernalia

Another big sign of harder drugs than marijuana being used is the discovery of certain things in the trash or around the house. Finding bits of brillo pad or scouring mesh in the trash, with or without ash or burn marks, is a good indicator that someone is smoking crack. Baking soda turning up unexpectedly in someone’s room, as well as big spoons, ladles or pyrex dishes also point to crack use and home production. Mesh screens are also suspect.

Drug Use Excuses

How To Smoke Marijuana Resin

Often, an addict will offer up the excuse that they were “just smoking hash”, out of many of these devices. When I was using, my parents unexpectedly showed up at my apartment one day and found spoons, foil, glass pipes and many of the other things talked about here lying around. I explained all of it away by saying I was “smoking hash oil”, (which in and of itself is extremely powerful and potentially dangerous), and convinced my family it was not a big deal. No parent is excited about the realization that their child is using hard drugs, so it is not uncommon for lies like this to go on for quite a while.


Ultimately there are lots of dangerous drugs that can be smoked out of glass pipes. Be on the lookout for any strange smells, spoons, foil and other potential paraphernalia. All of these things can be indicative of a much larger problem than recreational marijuana use.